Thursday, 3 December 2009

Football - Miss of the Century!

Guys, you will love this video! See carefully, what Rocky Baptiste does!

Though this is not connected to Making Money Online - but couldn't help posting it here!

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Can network Marketing earn Quick Money!

Many people think network marketing is a way to earn quick money – but they’re wrong! This kind of get rich quick mentality not only doesn’t actually work but it also damages the network marketing industry as a whole. In fact, possessing an earn money quick mentality is one sure way of guaranteeing failure. So, if you’re considering using this approach in your network marketing business, read on…

Which sounds like the better business model: Working flat-out to make an okay living – but probably getting burnt-out after a few months – or working slowly and steadily to build a business that will eventually provide a passive income of over $50,000? And what if this residual income could then be sustained for the rest of your life, even if you move on to other things?

It may seem like a no-brainer but the failure to appreciate the benefits of delayed gratification is one of the reasons so many people fail in network marketing. In case you still need convincing, here are a few more reasons why the get rich quick mentality is one of the slowest ways to grow a successful network marketing business:

- Network marketing works by using the efforts of many people to build an income. Instead of using 100% of your own time and energy you use 1% of the time and energy of 100 people.

- Network marketing is a lot more than just a sales industry – it is also a teaching industry. Although sales are integral to network marketing it is the person who is the better teacher who will ultimately be the most successful. Network marketing is about duplicating your efforts time and time again. No matter how great a salesperson you are, you can only reach a certain number of customers by yourself. That’s where the teaching comes in. A great teacher can have ten people selling a product – and those ten people can be teaching others to do the same. This way the potential is limitless!

- In network marketing you only start to earn the really big money once you’ve developed a really big team. Think of it like this: the commission you earn is never on your personal sales alone – it is paid on the volume of sales achieved across your entire network. So, the bigger the network the bigger the commission. But building this network takes time – a longer-term approach. Another reason why network marketing failure comes to those who plan to get rich quick.

- When people join network marketing companies for the wrong reasons they usually drop out fairly quickly. There are many reasons for this – financial problems due to getting in at the wrong level, or simply lack of training (back to teaching again!) Your downlines are the backbone of your business and if you don’t look after them and give them all the tools and support they need to build their own businesses you will cut off the supply of your own profits!

So ditch the get rich quick mentality and commit to working smart to build a great business – and build a great reputation along the way.