Friday, 19 June 2009

Aviva Directory!

Lots of my blog readers ask me which directories to submit their blogs or web sites to for maximising their return on investment and for search engine optimization.

One of the directories that I advise them to submit to is the Aviva Directory. It is is one of the strong directories that you must submit your site to for search engine optimization.

I also recommend Best of the Web directory as it is one of the oldest directories and worth submiting to.

Many people are afraid of submitting to Best of the WEB due to its cost. Life time submission might be slighlty expensive to look at but it is worth it.

Similarly, The owner of Aviva Directory, Jeff goes out of the way to promote the Aviva Directory and has made it to be one of the saught after web directory.

I recommend that you submit to both Aviva & Best of The Web.

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